Wooden buildings

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        Wooden buildings

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          Wooden buildings

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            Wooden buildings

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              cou-bha BHA.0006-019 · Unidad documental simple · circa 1880s-1903
              Parte de J. Frank Willis Photograph Album

              Mid-summer view of Breckenridge, Colorado from Lincoln Avenue showing snow on the peaks of the Tenmile Range. The 1882-built wood frame schoolhouse with bell tower stands prominently among the houses and churches. Title taken from handwritten caption on card mount: "Peak eight from hight [sic] of Lincoln Ave. as seen in mid Summer, showing perpetual Snow."

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              "A pack train."
              cou-bha BHA.0006-026-003 · Parte · circa 1880s-1903
              Parte de J. Frank Willis Photograph Album

              A miner's pack (or jack) train loaded with supplies, including a stove. Two burros stand on a dirt road lined with wooden frame buildings. Title quoted from handwritten caption on card mount: "A pack train."

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              cou-bha BHA.0022-002-018 · Unidad documental simple · 1903-1905
              Parte de Mary M. Marks Photograph Collection

              Gold Pan Mining Company operations on the Blue River, south of Breckenridge, in 1903. The Evans hydraulic elevator system forced water diverted from the Blue River and Maggie Ditch down one pipe into the Gold Pan pit, and a second pipe lifted rocks, gravel, and water to an elevated sluiceway on placer ground above. Extensive log cribbing prevents rocks and debris from falling back onto the pit crew. Note the housing above the pit on the upper right.

              cou-bha BHA.0022-002-001 · Unidad documental simple · 1900
              Parte de Mary M. Marks Photograph Collection

              Gold Pan Mining Company property where the Goldpan machine shops and pipe manufacturing plant were later constructed. Building began in late summer of 1900, and the shops were fully operational a year later. In the background are log cabins, stacks of lumber, and a wood frame building under construction. A man is seen walking past two boys on a wooden bridge, heading towards the railroad tracks and the south edge of town.

              cou-bha BHA.0022-002-002 · Unidad documental simple · 1900
              Parte de Mary M. Marks Photograph Collection

              The Goldpan pipe manufacturing plant under construction in the summer of 1900. The shop at the south end of Breckenridge was one of the Gold Pan Mining Company's first projects. The company needed placer pipes to divert water to its mining operations on the Maggie and Fanny Placers. In the left background is a view of Red Mountain.

              cou-bha BHA.0022-002-008 · Unidad documental simple · 1902
              Parte de Mary M. Marks Photograph Collection

              Rock excavation at the Gold Pan Mining Company's operations south of Breckenridge. A man guides a three-sided rectangular wood platform filled with boulders suspended from a crane, to dump the material away from the excavation site. A high-pressure nozzle known as a "giant" is used to forcefully direct water against the walls of the shallow pit. Two hydraulic pipes run along the rocky, gravelly area. In the background, there are small wooden structures that look like cabins or work sheds.

              cou-bha BHA.0020-013 · Unidad documental simple
              Parte de Summit Historical Society Photograph Collection

              J. Frank Willis' one and half story front gable frame house on Gibson Hill, east of Breckenridge, Colorado. Circa 1880s-1903. Outside, Willis holds his bicycle by the handle as he props his left foot on the bike pedal. A second bike leans against a tree by a dirt path. He wears a cap, coat, and knickers with stockings.

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              cou-bha BHA.0020-028 · Unidad documental simple
              Parte de Summit Historical Society Photograph Collection

              A boy stands in the snowy landscape outside the schoolhouse on Harris Street in Breckenridge, Colorado, circa 1898. Built in 1882, the two-story wood frame schoolhouse featured a bell and bell tower centered on the simple gable roof, and a shed addition on the south side. Brick chimneys rise from both gable ends and sash windows are pedimented throughout. Next door is a side gable frame house. In the foreground is a wooden sidewalk running along the east side of Harris Street. The schoolhouse was torn down and replaced with a brick structure in 1909.

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              cou-bha BHA.0020-039 · Unidad documental simple
              Parte de Summit Historical Society Photograph Collection

              Main Street Breckenridge, between Lincoln Avenue and Washington Avenue, looking north. Circa 1882-1890. This detailed image shows the covered portico of the Denver Hotel, with a man sitting in a chair on the wooden boardwalk. A dog waits nearby on the dirt street. Next door to the hotel stands a barbershop pole, and beyond, barely visible, is the sign for the Saddle Rock restaurant. Across the street (east side) are more wood frame false front businesses and Fireman's Hall with bell tower. A wagon is parked in front of the Livery.

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              cou-bha BHA.0020-042 · Unidad documental simple
              Parte de Summit Historical Society Photograph Collection

              Buildings fronted with concrete sidewalks line both sides of Main Street in Breckenridge, Colorado, looking north. Circa after 1912. Utility poles line the east side of the dirt packed street. Across the street, two men and a dog stand outside the building adjacent to Evans Pharmacy. To the right is the Denver Hotel. The balcony and covered portico has been removed and boards are placed across the second floor doors. Next is a front gable two and half story frame building, then Bruch's Barbershop and Store with a barber pole out front. Further north is the Silverthorn Hotel.

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              cou-bha BHA.0020-044 · Unidad documental simple
              Parte de Summit Historical Society Photograph Collection

              Looking north down Main Street, Breckenridge. Frame buildings line either side of the dirt street. On the left is the Arlington Hotel, with its curvilinear false front, and a view of Denver Hotel's portico over the boardwalk. Opposite, one lone man stands outside the Arbogast building (later the site of Masonic Lodge No. 47) on the corner of Washington Avenue and Main Street. Wooden sidewalk/boardwalk in the foreground.

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              cou-bha BHA.0020-047 · Unidad documental simple
              Parte de Summit Historical Society Photograph Collection

              The Denver Hotel on the west side of snow-covered Main Street, Breckenridge, during the "Big Snow" event of 1898-1899. Snowfall totaled over 32 feet that winter; it was so deep it reached the hotel's second-floor balcony. The two-story wood frame building featured paired gables and a shared false-front with the words "DENVER HOTEL". The Post Office shares the hotel's covered portico. Next door is a false front building with signs announcing "Bankrupt Stock" in the storefront windows.

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              cou-bha BHA.0020-143 · Unidad documental simple
              Parte de Summit Historical Society Photograph Collection

              The Gold Pan Mining Company office building on South Ridge Street in Breckenridge, Colorado. Circa early 1900s. The two-story multi gable wood frame building with dormer windows featured five offices on the main floor, with bedrooms and a bath upstairs. A man dressed in a waistcoat and necktie stands on the covered porch. Boulders line the dirt walkway to the entrance. In the background is the elevated scaffold that carried rocks away from the Blue River and Gold Pan excavation pit.

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              cou-bha BHA.0020-233 · Unidad documental simple
              Parte de Summit Historical Society Photograph Collection

              Students from the Missouri School of Mines travel by horse-drawn wagons down Main Street in Breckenridge, Colorado, on June 13, 1913. The group was on a school field trip to study the mines and mills in Valdora, Montezuma, and Argentine. Buildings line the west side of Main Street (pictured left to right): The Denver Hotel, after the portico and balcony was removed; The Denver Hotel's dining room, the two-story front gable building; Bruch's Barbershop and Store (with awning); a two-story false front building; a one-story false front building; and the Silverthorn Hotel, with side gables and a row of windows facing the street.

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              cou-bha BHA.0020-252 · Unidad documental simple
              Parte de Summit Historical Society Photograph Collection

              Group portrait of men and women on a wooden boardwalk that fronts the entry of a wood frame house. Sitting on the boardwalk is Irene (Clancy) Boyd. Back row, standing from left to right: Joe Pickett (cradling a baby in his arms), Josephine Pickett, "Mother" Pickett, Bessie (Warren) Blundell, Annie Jobe, "Mrs. Bond", and Lucy Fry. Standing in front row: Charles Bond and Nels Fry. Probably Breckenridge, Colorado, circa 1880-1890s.

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              cou-bha BHA.0011-004-015 · Unidad documental simple · 1975 September
              Parte de Town of Breckenridge Inventory of Historic District Structures, 1975-1980

              Handwritten on reverse: "Y & M [Yingling and Mickles], Block 7, Lot 2, East face". Sheds and secondary structures along the Harris Street Alley. The barn on the left shares the lot with the Fletcher House at 100 South Harris Street. Far right background is a view of Weber and Schnittker Duplex building at 105 South High Street.

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